The PMD-ART internet platform aims for the successful and all exclusive marketing, concept development and product design of media systems based on a project of büro+staubach gmbh labelled
system and method of illuminating moving objects
Derived from the project claims of the system can be described as follows:
Key technology is the illumination of at least one moving object of three dimensional (3D) extent, in particular of a moving person, matching exactly the contours of the object. Therefore the moving objects are registered and a 3D computer model (Voxel model) for all objects is created in real time. Masks are generated to illuminate the objects according to their contour.
The registration can be performed by illuminating the active area (stage) by infrared (IR) light and record the reflected schemes by IR sensitive cameras.
Computation is made by a so-called Voxel model that was developed and designed for the purpose of an opera in 2002.
Overlaps of moving objects are avoided by registering the objects from several positions, i.e. in plane of movement and perpendicular to this plane. All objects are then displayed in a 3D model on screen, capable showing all viewing directions in real time. Therefore the computational model can deduct the projection pattern for each projection direction and each object independently.
Furthermore this technology can be combined with the interpretation of a tracking pattern of an object to allow active control as well as back illumination for 3D stage effects. Active controls means, that by tracking the object, e.g. an actor, the actor can trigger any kind of light, sound, and illumination effect by pure body movement and/or gesturing. 3D stage effects can be all kind of state-of-the-art video systems such as rear view projections that can be controlled by the acting object.
One of the primary tasks for PMD-ART is the successful product development to allow this technology to be a turn-key system combining all hardware such as IR cameras and projectors, PCs and software with graphical user interface to have technicians operate the system after a small tutorial and/or by detailed manuals. PMD-ART will also offer concept realizations for events, shows, presentations, but focuses on complete systems for permanent installation in showrooms such as theatres, opera houses, etc.
In addition PMD-ART supports büro+staubach gmbh in all areas of marketing and distribution of key design developments, both in concept and product development.